woensdag 21 april 2010


Dear Pigeon fancier,

In this PiPa-news letter we have the following topics for you:

PiPa-networkevent on Monday the 3rd of May
Auctions April: last weekend
Facebookgroup already has more than 1000 fans
PiPa-networkevent on Monday the 3rd of May
Following a month's break for the Easter holiday, there is once again a networkevent from PiPa & Duivenblad on Monday the 3rd of May. The sixth networkevent will take place on the 3rd of May from 19h00. You are more than welcome to join us, to catch up with things, have a drink, reminisce, or preview the coming season ...

Contact us if you want detailed information

Auction April: last weekend
The auction season is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean that the quality is inferior. Quite the contrary, the current auction is once again a selection of a very high standard. Proven breeding pigeons with strong pedigrees, youngsters from several top fanciers, super performance pigeons, and so forth.

All these pigeons can be found in the April Auction Parts 5 to 10, in the Van Loon Collection & in the Superstar Collection from Les Green. You can view the auctions by clicking on 'Pigeons for sale' in your menu. All these auctions end this weekend, the 24th and 25th of April.

Facebookgroup already has more than 1000 fans
Our facebookgroup already has more than 1000 fans. Join now and remain in touch with the latest pigeon news or make contact with other pigeon friends.

Go the the facebookpage

Sportive greetings,


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