dinsdag 27 oktober 2009


Dear Davy Deckers ,

We all know some, those little fanciers with a few birds, but able to amaze every now and then. In our club Piet Moerman is such a fancier. He only races 8 widowers and with them he is able to compete for the championship on the short – distance every year. Even in his bad seasons he is in the top of the championships in our club. A strain of birds able to win under all circumstances. High speed birds!!! The NL.05-1320453 “Jolanthe” is without any doubt one of the nicest to handle I have seen in months… If you handle birds like this you realize that all you need is good birds… The father of this hen is NL.04-1954462 “De 462” an original Paul Groeneveld cock. Paul the man to beat in our federation build his strain with the best of Schaerlackens and Tournier. Bred from 00-415 “De 415” x 00-382 “De 382”… The mother of this superb hen is NL.04-1975017 “Granddaughter Oude Snoeren” a very good breeding hen…. Bred from a brother of the “Blinde” he won 4 x 1st in our club and is without any doubts one of the best short – distance birds in our club ever!!! Bred from 02-669 “Brother Bilnde” x 02-677 “De 677” (Original Willem van Paasen)… No big fancy names in the pedigree of this stunning hen but if you ever believed we know something about pigeons you should give this one a good thought… The best, and even better that that… Click here>>>

Added pigeons today!!!

1) NL.08-1453332 “Red Pied Sarina” – Original Piet Overkleeft, S – Gravenzande (NL)2) NL.08-2122249 “Grd. Lichte Stier 12 – De Klak” – Original Fam. Degner Slagelse (D)3) NL.09-1368330 “Inbred Porky x Miss Marbella” – Original B. vd Brand, Boxtel (NL)4) NL.09-1081566 “Grs. Klamper Doffer” – Original Sommeling Bros, Delft (NL)5) NL.04-2081063 “Grs. Vale 787” – Original Jos de Ridder, Asperen (NL)6) NL.09-1119174 “Granddaughter Ongeringde” – Original Zwirs – Strik, Kwintheul (NL)7) NL.04-2033374 “Mother Ace 08 & 09” – Original J.P. van Nederpelt, Klaaswaal (NL)8) NL.08-1648685 “Black Tornado” – Original M. Janssen, Nieuw Vossemeer (NL)

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Jan de Wijs Jr.

Zwethkade Zuid 29b
2635 CV Den Hoorn
P: +31 610746683 (Office hours GMT +1)
F: +31 174 295484
E: sales@europigeons.nl
I: http://www.europigeons.nl/

(Bron: Europigeons.nl)

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